
Mindset of Champions focuses on positively impacting the lives of disadvantaged youth throughout Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the tristate area. Mindset of Champions aims to identify more innovative ways to educate youth and motivate them to invest in themselves and take better control of their lives. After reviewing data and current trends in education, Mindset of Champions has come to learn that many students in underserved communities have stopped engaging in school and doing homework because of a loss of motivation. Another reason why some students are not involved in school is because they feel obligated to work and bring money home to their families, so they ditch their school and academic growth for survival. In addition to that, youth do not have the proper education on how to manage interpersonal relationships, building strong character and values, or even choosing a college and career that can help and prepare them to handle life and become successful in their community.

Students at their camp finals.

What we do

Through a curriculum designed to ensure character development, social emotional learning, in-demand trade skills, and workforce readiness, participants are able to learn and gain exposure to a variety of technology based trades or careers while also engaging in non risky behaviors (most often during high risk times for teens and young adults).

Utilizing the Search Institute's 40 Developmental Assets for positive youth development and as a guide,Mindset of Champions’ curriculum ensures that Mindset of Champions staff/coaches are easilyable to implement programming successfully.

Mindset of Champions’ keys to success include the ability to be as flexible as needed, when needed, in order for optimal results. In addition, Mindset of Champions takes pride in the ability to “meet participants where they are” in theory and practically. Mindset of Champions’ most promising practice is the consistent collaboration with credible messengers and partnering with other youth serving organizations.

Mindset Of Champion’s program design and flexibility is an ideal operation for serving, teaching, and exposing young people to opportunities beyond present circumstances while providing a warm hand exchange to other organizations that can assist in positively building young people.

How we serve


We believe that our youth are better
receptive to mentors/coaches that have similar backgrounds and experiences as them. "We are who we serve".


We partner with local schools and youth organizations to bring Esports into the
communities that need them most. Activate your organization by establishing a MOC "home" team. Our teams learn, play, and earn together in an ecosystem of youth services and enrichment.


CSR that matters. We facilitate corporate matchmaking opportunities for our community partners. Sponsor Mindset of Champions training, facilities, gear, or competition. "Connect directly with the communities that need it most."

Our Offerings

Esports Youth League

offers youth the opportunity to learn & apply the fundamentals of gaming, production, and sports broadcasting.

Free access to state of the art technology

for students to learn, play, explore and discover.

Mentorship & Professional Coaching

building the confidence & self esteem students need as they learn new skills and work towards their goals.

Gamified Learning Platform

incentivizes & tracks youth
engagement in the areas of Character Development, Health + Wellness, Exploration, STEM, and Stewardships.

Positive peer to peer fellowship

helps students to build and
sustain cooperative relationships with one another.

Digital Literacy Initiatives

teaching youth the most effective ways to explore, learn, and work in a digital environment.

Do you want to give back to your community? Do you love gaming and want to host an esports league in your facility? Click here to donate to Mindset of Champions incredible youth and teen curriculum and help us create a better future for kids who deserve every opportunity to achieve greatness—even in the face of the greatest adversities and disadvantages. Help us raise the tide and the youth of Philadelphia rise above.
